Three Value-Based
Strategies for Physician Practices
is the life-giving power of anything: cost, the quantity of labor required to
produce it; price, the quantity of labor which its producer will take in exchange
for it.
Ruskin (1819-1900), Munera Pulveris (1862)
purchasing,” whether cost or quality; are integral parts of the equation now
widely seen as a replacement for traditional
fee-for-service in health care.”
Movena,”Value-Based Health Care: Fad or Future,” Forbes, June 11, 2012
6, 2013- The
January 3, 2012 New England Journal of
Medicine contains three articles pointing to what policy wonks have in mind for
future physician reimbursement.
The first, “Code Red and Blue – Safely Limiting
Health Care’s GDP Footprint,” is by Arnold Milstein, MD, from the Clinical Excellence Research Center at
Stanford. He writes knowingly of creating
“robust learning systems to strengthen incentives for improving value.” He gives as examples Medicare’s bundled payments,
pay-for-performance programs, medical homes, hospital value-based purchasing,
and purchasers moving market-share to higher-value providers. He bemoans the
fact that physicians resist policies that threaten their incomes and “powerfully
influence the use of health care resources and public opinion about health
policies.” If only physicians would play value-ball, he believes, we could decrease
per capita health spending by 15% to 30% and clinical efficiency by 2% to 3%.
And that's the health care news from the left coast.
The second, “Shared Decision Making to
Improve Care and Reduce Costs," is by Emily Oshima Lee, MA, and Ekeila Emanuel,
MD. Emanuel is formerly Obama’s chief medical advisor. The authors claim that if only doctors shared decision
making with patients, costs would plunge
20% or more. This could be done by using
patient decision aids – written materials , videos, or interactive electronic
presentations informing patients about risks, benefits, and options. Lee and Emanuel
believe CMS should certify, distribute, and make mandatory these aids to
improve quality and reduce costs. CMS could begin, they assert, with the 20 most often
performed procedures. If clinicians did not play ball, CMS could reduce
Medicare payments by 10% the first year, gradually increasing reductions to 20%
over ten years.
Sounds like Obama hard ball to me.
The third, “The Bystander Effect in
Medical Care," is by Robert Stavert, MD, and Jason Lott, MD, of the Department
of Dermatology at Yale. They recite the
case of a 32 year old male with a skin rash. He developed renal, hepatic, and
pulmonary failure. During his 11 day stay
in the ICU, 40 doctors saw him. They
performed an average of 25 diagnostic lab tests and two imaging procedures daily.
Result? “Efficacious patient care
gave way to diagnostic chaos and incremental delay… The involvement of multiple
covering providers only made things worse since, each covering clinician were understandably reluctant to initiate changes absent a blessing from the primary
team.” None of the doctors were paid FFS. The lesson to the authors was
that we must improve communication, coordination, and team-based skills among
health care professionals, by federal actions if necessary. What we need, they claim, is “transcendent teamwork in
modern medicine. ”
And, I might add, "transcendent teamwork" between the Obama adminsitration and Congress.
P.S. When government proclaims it will decrease health costs by executive or legislative decrees restructuring doctor pay, hold onto your wallet. To illustrate, I note in today's New York Times this front page headline, "Health Insurers Raises Rates by Double Digits; Loophole in New Law; Small Businesses and Individual Buyers Are Hardest Hit."
I thought these were the folks the law as supposed to protect.
Tweet: Policy
makers say U.S. should replace fee-for-service payment with team-based “value-based” reimbursement to
improve care and cut costs.
1 comment:
Отделение Андрологии и Урологии ФГУ «Эндокринологический Научный Центр» - это не просто прекрасный медицинский центр, который отлично оказывает свои услуги. Это место первое в России отделений такого профиля, работающее на базе эндокринологического медицинского центра. На сегодняшний день отделение нашего центра близко сотрудничает с Институтом Репродуктивной Эндокринологии, что позволяет близко работать с профессиональными специалистами в области репродуктивного и сексуального здоровья. Наши сотрудники проводят операции самой различной сложности, работают с пациентами любой степени тяжести и удачно производят научную деятельность в области урологии и андрологии. У нас работают только профессиональные и опытные специалисты, мы тщательно относимся к подборке врачей и медсестер, а поэтому в клинике не бывает случайных людей. Наш медицинский центр – самый короткий
путь к здоровью!
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