Monday, November 23, 2015

Our Next President

Who do we think should be our next President?
We hold these characteristics to be self-evident.

He or she should be a person who is strong,
Not someone weak who simply goes along.

He or she should be a person of action,
Someone who acts decisively with passion.

He or she should not be a mere talker.
Not someone who is a passive sleepwalker.

He or she should be a person who talks straight,
Someone who is confident in political debate.

He or she should be proud of the good old USA,
Someone who believes our values are AOK.

He or she should not for U.S. be apologetic,
Someone who for our values is sympathetic.

He or she should focus on being effectual,
Someone who is no feckless intellectual.

He or she should aim at home for budget austerity,
Someone who combines growth with prosperity.

He or she should focus abroad on respect,
Someone whose motives are not suspect.

He or she should be a leader from way up front,
Not someone who lurks behind, afraid to confront.

That is who we want to be our next President,
That is the ideal person we want us to represent.

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