Tweet: Is it a moral obligation of a nation to make health care a right, even if the health system is unworkable under its health law?
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Essence of ObamaCare: Morality Versus
Look to the essence of the thing, whether it
be doctrine, practice, or interpretation.
Aerulius (121 AD - 180 AD), Meditations
to the needs of others is immoral.
King, “ObamaCare – A Question of
Morality,” Washington Post, November
30, 2013, King writes a regular Saturday column for the Washington Post. This on is
on what black ministers are saying about ObamaCare in the nation’s capitol
more than the website. It’s how the law itself is built from its architecture
that’s just not workable.
Ryan (R-Wisconsin), Congressman and
former Republican Vice-Presidential Candidate
Tweet: Is it a moral obligation of a nation to make health care a right, even if the health system is unworkable under its health law?
Tweet: Is it a moral obligation of a nation to make health care a right, even if the health system is unworkable under its health law?
It’s the Endgame That Counts
has an end.
well that ends well.
Proverb was relaunched today. The front-end of the site looks better. It’s
faster. Waiting times are less.
Enrolling is easier. Glitches
have been smoothed over.
But in everything one must consider the end. It’s the end-to-end final product that
will counts in the end. The front end
looks good. Now is the time to look at
the back end, what going on behind the scenes, and to ask these questions.
Has the 5% error rate in information
transmitted to insurers been corrected?
Has the rate of personal identity theft
been reduced to an acceptable or fail-safe levels?
Have the “orphan patient” problem –
those patients who think they’ve signed up but the insurance company is unaware
of their enrollment – been addressed?
Have people learned yet they won’t be
able to keep their doctor or hospital, that neither are in the network of their
new plan?
Do people know yet that the premiums and
deductibles quoted to them are subject to change as insurers scramble to meet
two week deadlines?
Do people realize that employer-based
plans may no longer cover family members, or cover them at exorbitant rates?
Are people aware that the IRS, operating
out of the White House, is responsible for distributing subsidies, tracking down non-enrollees, and enforcing rules of the ObamaCare endgame?
Until these questions are answered, the end game is far from over. It may just be beginning.
Tweet: On
December 1, access and efficiency of the website have
improved, but questions about its end
results remain in doubt.
Price and Burdens of Enforcing Obamacare
every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any
price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe
to assure the survival and success of liberty.
not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.
Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963), Inaugural Address, January 21, 1961
I have always admired President John Kennedy’s
I also admire President Obama as a person.
But these sentiments do not mean I agree with
either President Obama's or President Kennedy’s social agendas.
In the case of Obama, the agenda seems to be social
equity through income and health care redistribution.
This agenda brings to mind Samuel Johnson’s aphorism,”The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
The same might be true if President Kennedy’s intentions were
to be applied to health care, one the
most complex ecosystems known to man., which would make the price and burdens of enforcing ObamaCare too high.
I do not believe, we as a nation can:
pay any price to cover every citizen for every health care eventuality when that price is $2.7 trillion, three times the
promised estimate; dramatically
increase premiums by an average of 47% on the individual market for those not
receiving federal subsidies; slow economic growth and produces
joblessness; convertsfull-time jobs to part-time jobs; cost more, reduce choice, and provide worse coverage.
Bear any burden, causing us and our descendants to pay off a
$17 trillion national debt, soon to be $20 trillion or more, and in the process
imposing an unacceptable tax burden on
the middle class.
meet all the hardships and support all the needs of every citizen no matter what
their individual situation.
oppose any foe that that disapproves or your philosophy of government.
Asks everyone what they can do for the
country rather than what they can do for
There are exceptions for those unable to fend for
themselves because of sickness or poverty, but in the main we pride ourselves
on being a self-sufficient and self-reliant nation whose strength comes from
below rather than being imposed from above.
Tweet: Price of ObamaCare, with higher premiums and deductibles and reduced choices, may be too great a burden for the middle class to bear.
Perspective on Obamacare
can never understand a person until you understand his point of view.
Lee ( born 1926 ), American novelist and author of To Kill a Mockingbird
we do is an opinion not a fact.
Everything we see is a perspective not a truth.
Aurelius (121 AD -180 AD), Mediations, a
book on how to lead a life of duty and
service while achieving equanimity and minimizing conflicts
Today ObamaCare with its promises “improvement.” moved out of the
shadows of theory into the real world as
it seeks to convince the world that its
website and its policies will level the
health care playing fields between the
have’s and the have-not’s. The trouble is that every promise is a fudge,
a hedge, or a prayer, How well ObamaCare will succeed depends on one’s
In my E-book ,
Understanding Obamacare, due out January 2014, I try
to present a balanced perspective.
Not so successfully, I fear. I sent out copies of the manuscript to
colleagues for perspective and a blurb.
One of these colleagues, William Fore, MD, who has had a distinguished career as internist
specializing in diabetes, a medical
group leader at Johns Hopkins, an inspector
for the Joint Commission, and a
physician who treats the uninsured and underinsured in a “free clinic “ in
North Carolina, called yesterday to point out differences in our points of
Bill hovers on the left of center while I dangle on the
In reading my manuscript, Bill found two gaping deficiencies - One, lack of any substantial discussion in
my book on the plight of America’s uninsured, who now number about 50
Two, a failure to address or praise Obama’s
effort to cover those with pre-existing conditions.
Bill is right, and I plan to right these deficiencies
(right is not the right word, but it will do for now) either by adding either a
corrective paragraph in the preface to the manuscript or discussing these
problems in a subsequent book on the twin rollout disasters.
Meanwhile, I
harbor these concerns over ObamaCare:
One, the flawed, avoidable website,
in response to which only 50,000 have enrolled and paid their first premium,
Two, the 5
million people insurers have dropped
from their existing plans in order to comply with ObamaCare standards, which
are too broad, too unrelealtic, and too expensive.
From my perspective what disturbs me about these
developments are:
One, the Obama administration’s incompetence in
failing to anticipate or to prepare for the website crash when it was
repeatedly forewarned what might happen by its own IT experts.
Two, the
failure to see the faulty
trade-offs between insuring 50 million of the uninsured while uninsuring 5 million of the insured, which
may grow to 80 million to 100 million if employers stick to the letter of the
law, which flatly states that all future plans must include ten essential
Three, and more fundamentally, Obama’s lack of understanding of the essence
of American culture. We are not an
imperialistic nation bent on keeping the have-nots down. We are not a socialistic society intent on
pushing the rich down while raising the poor up. We are a freedom-seeking capitalist country
bent on elevating rich and poor by allowing them to exploit
their dreams and opportunities in the belief that a rising tide raises all
From Bill’s perspective, something must be done to provide care for
the uninsured and underinsured, even
though this “something” may be disruptive for the medical industrial complex
and for the rest of us. On the othr hand, Bill feels it is only fair and moral for insurers the business community, and
American society in general to bite the
profit bullet by covering those with pre-existing illnesses, over which most patients have no control, and
for specialists to forego some or income and devote more of their time to
caring for the disenfranchised.
It comes down to this: One man’s meat is another man’s poison. One man’s tradeoffs are another man’s turnoffs. The important thing it to appreciate the
other man’s perspective.
As the late great Steve Jobs (1955-2011), the Apple of the Internet’s Eye, eloquently put it, “A
lot of people haven’t had very diverse
experiences. So they don’t have enough
dots to connect, and they end up without a broad experience on the problem, The
broader one’s understanding of the human
experience, the better design we will
One’s experience shapes one’s perspective.
One may be partly right or partly wrong when one fails to connect the dots.
Friday, November 29, 2013
God It’s Friday, Not Saturday
thank God for not making me a computer scientist.
Bernstein (born 1971), American mathematician, cryptologist
You may like Friday because it’s the last day of the work
You may like Friday it precedes the weekend.
You may like to celebrate Friday by eating out at a “Thank God, It’s Friday” restaurant.
As a retailer, you may choose to call it “Black
Friday”, the day you finally turn a profit.
If you’re one of these people, you may think of Friday
as “Good Friday,” a day in which you have something to cheer about.
But this year, there may be two exceptions to the
Cheerful Good Friday Club. For these people, Good Friday may become Black Saturday.
These exceptions are: ObamaCare officials
and their High Tech followers .
You two are responsible for’s second launch. This second launch follows the aborted October 1aunch pad crash.
As a administration official, you like to announce
bad news on Friday. Why? Because people
tend to forget bad news over the
weekend. By Monday, all is either forgiven or forgotten. But this year, you have no
choice because of your self-imposed Saturday, December 1 deadline.
On Satruday, you said things were going to
get “better,” 80% better, better enough to accommodate 50,000 users all at
once. You picked Saturday as the magical Witching Day when everything was going
to go smoothly for all of those logging in to pick a health plan.
first Witching Day was Tuesday, October
1. Then times were different. That was
before 5 million health plan
cancellations. These cancellations now
outnumber the 50,000 officially enrolled by 10:1. This time the stake are
higher. It’s Make or Break Time for
ObamaCare. You’re in the Public Opinion Crosshairs.
But maybe not. You can always move the goalposts. You can
always delay tje mandate for small business by a year. You can always extend the sign-up
period. You can always lower expectations by saying you didn’t really mean what you
said the first time. And you can
always blame somebody else – the health
plans, Republicans, even your very own computer team. Its members include those digital nerds, those pernicious programmers, those guys and
gals who wrote those millions of lines of unconnected code. They may have seen those glitches coming,
but they should have warned you louder and harder. It’s their fault. They should
have told you everything that could go wrong would go wrong. They should
have known a technical drop-dead date was not the same as a political drop-dead date.
But they didn't under your political pressure to deliver on your
October 1 promise. That’s ancient
history now. This year, history comes on Saturday.
TGIF (Thank God, It’s Friday), not
MGIF (My God, It’s Saturday). You
still have another day to untangle the Web you
weaved when you deceived yourselves and the public.
This Friday isn’t TGIF (Thank
God, It’s Friday), it’s TGINS (Thank
God, It’s Not Saturday)
Thursday, November 28, 2013
of Day: Cleanin' Up Mess No Bed of Roses
Gabriel: What about cleanin’ up
de whole mess and sta’ tin’ up all over
ag’in wid some new kind of
An’ admit I’m licked? Even bein’ Gawd ain’t a bed of roses.
Cook Connelly (1890-1980), American playwright, key member of Algonquin Round
Table, and Pulitzer Prize Winner of Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 1930
Attitude and Gratitude: I am Proud to be an American Physician
Attitude is a little thing that makes a big
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill
This Thanksgiving day I’m feeling bad about the direction the
health system seems to be headed
Health plan
cancellations are running 10:1 over people signing up on health exchanges,
Physician surveys indicate less than half of doctors plan to
accept patients from health exchanges.
Some of our finest
health institutions, like the Mayo
Clinic, are being excluded from the exchanges because their services cost more
than average.
The small business
mandate has been delayed for one year, adding to the uncertainty over
It’s enough to put one in a bad mood, But as my Episcopal Priest
son once told me, “Dad when you’re feeling bad, make yourself a gratitude list.
My Gratitude List
I am grateful I live in a country where,
• People can disagree disagreeably about the health reform law, but without riots, strikes, or violence.
• Voters can feel free to express their opinions about the health reform law – Only 38% approve of it while 59% disapprove.
• The Gallup poll indicates 82% of people are satisfied with their health care. That's not 100%, but it is impressive.
• Few citizens choose to go abroad to seek better care.
• Every citizen who goes to an emergency room will be treated no matter what his or her financial circumstances.
• No matter where you live in the U.S., most citizens still have quick or immediate access to the best medicine and technologies has to offer without government oversight, second guessing, or rationing. This is not true in most other countries.
• We provide such exceptional care that kings and potentates come here for treatment (The King of Saudi Arabia is now at Cornell to get a herniated disc fixed), and doctors come here from around the world to learn, to train, to practice, and to benefit from our research.
• We listen to the voices of the people when the majority protest a sweeping health reform law they fear will cost them their current coverage and access to doctors.
• We cover 110 million of our 310 million citizens through costly Medicare and Medicaid programs and pay for ½ of all health care costs, an expense per capita above that of other nations.
• Our political system allows us to engage in a lengthy, sometimes acrimonious debate, on what is the right thing to do in the long run to provide the best care for most of the people most of the time.
• As a country, we believe in individualism and choice, in government care as well as private care, in the independence of physicians to choose their specialty, where they want to live, and to provide care they think is best for patients based on individual human judgment rather than bureaucratic rules .
• We are a society that prides itself in our generosity to help others around the world , in our innovations that make us the Internet crossroads of health information of the world, the fountainhead of many advanced medical technologies- in genomics, cancer therapy, life-saving and life-style restoring procedures, our imaging technologies; and in vibrant entrepreneurialism in multiple health care spheres, a spin-off of free markets in a capitalistic society.
• People can disagree disagreeably about the health reform law, but without riots, strikes, or violence.
• Voters can feel free to express their opinions about the health reform law – Only 38% approve of it while 59% disapprove.
• The Gallup poll indicates 82% of people are satisfied with their health care. That's not 100%, but it is impressive.
• Few citizens choose to go abroad to seek better care.
• Every citizen who goes to an emergency room will be treated no matter what his or her financial circumstances.
• No matter where you live in the U.S., most citizens still have quick or immediate access to the best medicine and technologies has to offer without government oversight, second guessing, or rationing. This is not true in most other countries.
• We provide such exceptional care that kings and potentates come here for treatment (The King of Saudi Arabia is now at Cornell to get a herniated disc fixed), and doctors come here from around the world to learn, to train, to practice, and to benefit from our research.
• We listen to the voices of the people when the majority protest a sweeping health reform law they fear will cost them their current coverage and access to doctors.
• We cover 110 million of our 310 million citizens through costly Medicare and Medicaid programs and pay for ½ of all health care costs, an expense per capita above that of other nations.
• Our political system allows us to engage in a lengthy, sometimes acrimonious debate, on what is the right thing to do in the long run to provide the best care for most of the people most of the time.
• As a country, we believe in individualism and choice, in government care as well as private care, in the independence of physicians to choose their specialty, where they want to live, and to provide care they think is best for patients based on individual human judgment rather than bureaucratic rules .
• We are a society that prides itself in our generosity to help others around the world , in our innovations that make us the Internet crossroads of health information of the world, the fountainhead of many advanced medical technologies- in genomics, cancer therapy, life-saving and life-style restoring procedures, our imaging technologies; and in vibrant entrepreneurialism in multiple health care spheres, a spin-off of free markets in a capitalistic society.
Tweet: I am proud to be an American physician, living in America, land of the free and home of those seeking health care choice.
Turkey and Foggy Mirrors
Smoke and mirrors is a metaphor for a deceptive,
fraudulent or insubstantial explanation or description. The origin of the
phrase comes from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
while describing the titular wizard's usage of smoke and mirrors to deceive the
general populace.
Astonish me in the morning.
Tyrone Guthrie(1900-1971), Theatrical Director, to his
actors after a particularly bad rehearsal
Thanksgiving Day -
This morning I was astonished when I read in the New York Times that the Obama administration is advising Americans not
to visit
The first paragraph
of the piece reads:
“White House
officials , fearful that the federal health care website may be
overwhelmed this weekend, have urged
their allies to hold back enrollment efforts so the insurance marketplace does
not collapse under the crunch of new users.
What Crunch?
Thus far Americans by the millions have avoided the
health site. Less than 2% .have signed on and paid a premium , When it reaches self-imposed deadline,
Saturday, December 1, ObamaCare will be 90,000 to 100,000enrollees behind schedule in
meeting its goal of 7 million enrollees by March 2014. It’s worse for the young and healthy, Precious few have signed on, far short of the
pace needed to reach 2.3 million by March 2014. Hispanics are staying away, partly for lack of
a functional Spanish website.
Mixed Messages
I am astonished by
the mixed messages emanating from the White House (WH(.
WH has cancelled its big health care marketing campaign set for December,
fearing the campaign might increase too demand so much the site will crash.. It fears failure so much it has its crash
helmets on.
WH is sending out messages telling parents durint
Thanksgiving to persuade their adult
children to enroll on the exchanges.
Sibelius is urging people to go
immediately to to sign
Zients, who heads the repair effort, say
the site can handle 50,000 simultaneous users, but not 250,000 if pent-up
demand explodes.
the WH simultaneously damps down and revs demand for enrollment, it says will focus on people who lost their policies and
people who started but did not complete applications on the website.
if things were not confusing enough, today the WH aanounced it will delay the
sign-up for one year for small
businesses who want to go online to get insurance though the federal website.
The President’s Agenda
What is the
President’s agenda – to expand the reach of or to suppress it
until the website is fixed? He can’t hve it both ways.
President Obama had
best act quickly. The American people
are rapidly losing confidence in the capacity and ability of government to act decisively
and competently.
Obama, the
political wizard, should step out from
behind his magic curtain to tell us
candidly what is going on. Until then, soke and mirror will crate confusion and uncertaint and impede progress
on all fronts.
It ‘s time the administration got its act together The dress rehearsal has not gone well, and the crystalline
chandeliers are breaking up and falling upon the audience.
Maybe events will
fall in Obama’s favor. Today he
took two positive steps . He apologized
for turkey and pardoned
the White House turkey.
Tweet: The
Obama administration is sending out mixed signals about the status and capacity
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
No Espanol
isn’t just the English-language federal website that is weighing on the success
of the health law. Consumers still can’t enroll for insurance on,
the U.S. government’s Spanish language website.
Schatz, “Spanish-Language Health Site Delayed, “ Wall Street Journal, November 26, 2013
Oh well, another day, another delay. But what the heck. The delay only postpones decision-making
enrollments of 53 million Hispanics.
What the heck. Hispanics are only 16% of the U.S. population. What the heck. Hispanics are, by far, the fastest
growing minority group and a crucial constituent of the Democratic Party’s
base. What the heck. The Hispanics are the most likely to be
uninsured, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. What the heck. Administration officials
estimate 10.2 million of the 53 million could qualify for coverage under the
health law. But what the heck. Spanish-speaking citizens can always call
Spanish-speaking call center employees with the assistance of Spanish-speaking
assisters. If you’re strictly
Spanish-speaking, you can always enroll elsewhere, even if no healthsite
The Spanish website, has been delayed until the
U.S. government can fix
Three 20 Year Old Entrepreneurs Working Three Nights For Nothing Save Healthcare.Gov, Which Took
Three Years and $634 million to Build?
through and through with office pens, and bound head and foot with red tape.
Dickens (1812-1870), David Copperfield
ObamaCare is a hugely
complicated approach to addressing problems in health care that have simpler
Gordon Crovitz
“ObamaCare’s Serious Complications, “ Wall
Street Journal, October 12. 2013
Can three 20 year olds – George Kalogeropoulus, Ning Liang , and
Michael Wasser- working in San Francisco for 3 nights on a website called save save from itself by replacing it with a simpler website?
Is the website of the three, which has now been
visited by hundreds of thousands seeking
answers that could not find on, a breakthrough that could salvage
a bureaucratic, red-tape bound, muscle-bound, federal website from its overly complicated
rules for doing things?
Could healthcare.sherpa replace, as
intimated by Fox News?
Can you just go to, type in your
zip code to see if your state qualifies for help, enter your income, family size,
pick your plan, and follow a few simple instructions, and Voila! In a few moments, find out how much an
exchange plan would cost and how it compares to your current plan?
The answer seems to be, Yes it can. But , and it’s a
Big If , say the big guys,
the government website developers, does not replace It does not allow users
to purchase insurance, verify citizenship, estimate tax breaks or subsidies.
As H.L, Menckem (1880-1956) said, “For every complicated problem, there is a
simple solution, and it’s wrong.”
Actually, the solution is not wrong,
it is incomplete. It is a
start. It is just a fragment of a larger solution. It helps consumers find an
answer to those burning questions, “How much is this government plan going to
cost?” “ Should I pay the penalty of $95? Should I wait until
the smoke clears over mess?” Or, conversely, “Maybe I ought to enroll. This looks like a good deal.”
Healthsherpa raises some fundamental issues.
suffers from inelastic thinking, from an bureaucratic mindset cultivated
and developed by excessive time spent on government projects. Maybe is hidebound by too
many government rules and regulations.
Maybe a simpler approach can help achieve the “fix” so
badly needs.
Tweet: Three
young coders in San Francisco have developed a website,, that helps consumers find
rates of health exchange plans.
Does What ObamaCare Can’t – Provides Rate Information, Washington Times,
November 14
2. Why
Healthsherpa.Com Is Not A Replacement for,,
November 11
3. Healthsherpa
Helps Thousands Get Insurance Quotes, NPR, November 13
4. Fix’s
Misleading Cpmparison Disputed by Actual Web Developers,, November 18
5. Trio
of Young Coders Build Website in Days, CNN, November 11
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
IRS Up To Job of Enforcing ObamaCare?
+ IRS = Perfect Storm, Forbes, 11/7/13
Beleagured IRS. A Crucial Test Still Awaits After Troubled Roll-Out of Health Care
Law,”Washington Post, 11/25/13
Care ObamaCare Lawsuits, “ New York Daily News, 11/24/13
Crucial Test in ObamaCare,”, 11/24. 13
Headlines on Subject of ObamaCare and IRS
Questions, Questions, Questions
Questions, Questions, Questions
Is the IRS up to the job of tracking and tracking down
millions of miscreants who either don’t buy health insurance or who don’t
cough up the $95 penalty for not doing so?
Can the IRS distribute those trillions of dollars of
subsidies to those millions of the uninsured
and people with incomes low enough to qualify?
Can the IRS deal effectively with millions of
Spanish-speaking peoples (16% of
Americans) who may not speak or read enough English to understand ObamaCare?
Can the 15,000 new IRS agents needed for the job of carrying
out the 47 new tasks required to enforce ObamaCare, including
distributing trillions of dollars
in subsidies and penalizing those who do not comply with the law?
Can the IRS perform its new duties when the health
law specifically forbids the IRS from using its customary collection tools-
liens, fines, foreclosures, criminal prosecution, and garnished wages?
Can the IRS do these things in light of its
tarnished reputation for its partisanship in denying tax-exempt status to the
Tea Party and other conservative organizations?
Can the IRS run this operation out of the White House
which is suffering an all time low reputation for credibility and competence?
Can the IRS function efficiently and effectively if is not up to speed, remains full of glitches, or is vulnerable to identity and personal
security hacking?
Can the IRS cope with dozens of lawsuits now underway challenging
the various provisions of the individual and employer mandates?
Can the IRS enforce section 1441 which imposes a 3.8% tax
on the net income and investments of taxpayers, estates, and trusts?
What level of enforcement is needed to nudge
taxpayers into being cmpliant?
Will the $95 penalty rising to $695 in subsequent years
be enough?
Just asking.
The IRS faces the huge, unenviable,
unknowable, and perhaps undoable task of
enforcing 47 new tasks stemming from the ObamaCare Law.
Consequences of Ten “Essential Benefits”
What's essential for one person may be tangential or inconsequential for others.
One Man's Interpretation of "Essential Benefits" Clause in Health Reform Law
Let me explain in a roundabout fashion where I am coming from: In other languages, one of them a dead language, "One for all, all for one" sounds like this.
What's essential for one person may be tangential or inconsequential for others.
One Man's Interpretation of "Essential Benefits" Clause in Health Reform Law
Let me explain in a roundabout fashion where I am coming from: In other languages, one of them a dead language, "One for all, all for one" sounds like this.
pro omnibus, omnes pro uno. Latin
pour tous, tous pro uno. French
para todos, todos para uno. Spanish
In Obamanese, It sounds more like this:
set of essential benefits for all, all
essential benefits in one standard plan, or no "substandard "health plan for you.
“One for all, all for one,” and its French
equivalent, was the rallying cry for the
Three Musketeers.
Now experts say U.S health plans, under
the ObamaCare law, must contain ten “essential benefits “to qualify
for health exchanges, for health plan members to receive federal subsidies, and
for employers to legally offer any health plan.
It's one plan for all, in the form of its bronze, silver, gold,
or platinum equivalent, and all for one, or needless to add, none for all.
The Ten Essential Benefits
The Ten Essential Benefits
What are these ten essential benefits?
The Affordable Care Act, (sections1302) lists “essential
benefits” as,
A Ambulatory
patient services
· Emergency
· Hospitalization
· Maternity
and newborn care
· Mental
health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health
· Prescription
· Rehabilitative
and habilitative services and devices
· Laboratory
· Preventive
and wellness services and chronic disease management
· Pediatric
services, including oral and vision care.
What Doesn't Matter
What Doesn't Matter
Whether you want to receive
this “benefits, is not a matter of whether, you are:
young or healthy
of sound mind and
do not take prescription drugs
any need for laboratory have no need for maternity, newborn care, or pediatric
you are single, and do not have a child who needs dental
care, or eye glasses
You do not want to seek preventative,
substance abuse, behavioral health treatment, wellness, chronic disease
management, or rehab or habiliative (whatever that is).
What Matters
What Matters
What matters is that we are all in this thing
called life and health and citizenship together. It’s all for one, one for all, that’s what
But now, experts
at the American Institute and the Manhattan Institute are telling us that as
many as 80 million to 100 million Americans may lose their employer-provided
health insurance by 2015 because existing plans do not contain these benefits. No matter that routinely including these benefits
drives up costs on average by 41% in the individual markets (Manhattan Institute).
Middle class Americans
who do not qualify are aghast and angry that routine inclusion of ten essential
benefits for services they do not seek or want, is causing them to lose plans
they chose and drives up health premiums and deductible to unaffordable levels
in a health law ironically title “The Patient Protection and Affordability Act.”
How Could This Be?
How Could This Be?
How could this be?
It’s really quite simple. Their plans
do not meet federal standards. Ergo, their plans are “substandard.”
state of affairs stems from the doctrine of “essentialism,” namely, that all
health care services are essential to society and should be available to all
regardless of individual abilities, skills, need, education, or economic
status. Essentialism ignores merit, risk, and economic growth. These factors
apparently deserve no special rewards. Presumably, when government homogenizes
humankind into one lump, all will be well, and the nation's level of health
will be elevated.
American, in more prosaic language, should have equal access to comprehensive
care, regardless of age, health, pre-existing illness, geographic location,
insurance coverage, or citizenship status.
- If you are young and healthy, you should pay the
same as the old and sick, even if you cost society nothing in the short
run. In the long run, you will become old and sick.
- If you are poor, the government should subsidize you
to raise you to the level of more affluent citizens.
- If you are in a small business, you must pay for comprehensive coverage of your young healthy employees as you would for a more mature and older work force.
Charity for all and all
eggs in one basket is the goals of progressive, as long at government is
directing the effort and the "rich" are paying their "fair shar
No doubt this is a noble goals The problem is, of course, that
even an affluent society like America cannot afford “Gold,” “Platinum,” and
“Cadillac” plans for all and still provide services that allow for personal
freedom and choice that fits the needs of individual segments of the
America, the land of capitalism, individualism, meritocracy, entrepreneurialism
diversity, and regional variation, one-size-fits-all does not fit all and
will raises the cost for many.
Tweet: Health reform doctrines such “comprehensive essential benefits,” have enormous
cost and cultural consequences.
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