Wednesday, February 3, 2016

ObamaCare Is Silent Campaign Issue for Now But Not for Long
These days , during the early stages of a hectic political campaigns, you just hear much about ObamaCare.   Politicians are simply too busy trying to get elected or to keep from getting rejected.  ObamaCare is  too deep and complex an issue to win or lose voters on for now. For the moment, it is best to praise the Lord and hold the ammunition.
But just  wait until income taxes become due and premium increases become known.   Those who choose not to have a plan  will learn it will cost them roughly a $1000.  And premiums overall will go up more than 10% in 29 states  with surges up to 30% or more in half a dozen states.   Increases in individual markets will average 14.7% (“ObamaCare’s Wallet Buster Health Plans,” WSJ, February 2, 2015).
As one cynic observed, “ When they have you by your wallet,  your heart and mind will follow.”  This line of thinking will play in the GOP’s favor, which is why the party voted to repeal ObamaCare even  when it knew it could not override President Obama’s veto.    Democrats are lukewarm about ObamaCare and are promising they will “fix it.”  Cynics may say the voters know the price of everything but the value of nothing.  But price will be an issue in the wake of Obama’s promise that his plan would reduce premiums by $2500 by 2016. 
2016 is here.  The economy is weak,  the stock market is sputtering, and middle class voters are holding onto their wallets.


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