Direct Pay Medical Surgical Care?
goest thou?
Quo vadis?
Latin saying
Where is the direct pay movement, led by independent direct pay primary care
and direct pay ambulatory surgical centers, headed?
Is it a whimper or a wave?
Is it the start of a two-tier health system –
one for paying private patients and one for government-subsidized-and –entitled
No one can say with certainty. We simply do not have enough knowledge at
this point. Nor do we know if ObamaCare
has sturdy enough political legs to stay on the 10 year course it has laid out
for itself.
But, based on the current mood and developments, we can reach certain tentative conclusions.
There exists a high level of dissatisfaction
among American citizens and physicians over the status of the present system.
ObamaCare has yet to deliver on its promises of
lower costs and higher quality and more standardized care for all.
People are looking for alternatives to
ObamaCare, which has resulted in often unpredictable
and higher premiums and deductible for many, and given growing physician shortages, increased coverage under ObamaCare does not assure increased care with physicians' increased reluctance to accept patients under Medicare, Medicaid, and ObamaCare-sanctioned health plans.
alternative include going “bare” without insurance, care at retail and walk-in clinics, care by alternative practitioners, and direct
care delivered at the marketplace by independent physicians and surgeons.
Many citizens are seeking more personal, confidential, convenient, and timely relationships with personal physicians, and many physicians yearn to deliver this kind of care.
Market and cash-based care faces formidable political
obstacles from those who believe
everyone has a right to receive government-subsidized care and from those who have a vested interest in
preserving the current 3rd
party managed system.
A large school of thought and a huge management
apparatus exists and is growing that says
health care and quality cannot be
entrusted to physicians acting in their self-interest to deliver care to vulnerable, insufficiently
informed patients: in other words, only large organizations, including
government, can be trusted to deliver reliable, high quality care.
The American health care system is the most
expensive in the world and much of this expense can be attributed to the regulatory
and management systems.
Direct ambulatory patient care at doctors’
offices and decentralized care centers without insurance or 3rd party management
and involvement lowers costs of care.
Transparency of prices, when displayed on the
Internet, especially when coupled with bundled pricing known in advance, appeals to cost-sensitive consumers and to
self-funded employers who seek to lower costs and to make them more
Predictions and fears that concierge/direct pay
medicine would divide health care into
two tiers – one, the affluent who could afford to pay, and two, the poor who
could not afford to pay – have proven to be unfounded: those choosing to avail themselves of these direct services include
the uninsured, the insured, and those seeking
more personal, predictable,
convenient, and, in some cases, more affordable care.
The case for government-controlled-directed care has yet to be made nor has the case for free market-based care. Future care will be a mix of the two. It will
depend on intangibles such as the yearning for individual freedom and choice and business and political models that slow
the rise of health costs and produce better health outcomes.
In the end, the
availability of consumer-drive,. market-based, direct-pay, medicine and surgery
boils down to these questions.
· Do consumers have the right to select doctors of
their choice? I think they do.
· Can government sanction what doctors, and under
what economic conditions, can deliver
care? I do not believe can enforce
sanctions to make consumers and physicians to behave for the best interests
of government.
· Do qualified, certified doctors have the right
to charge cash for their services based on a mutual agreement with patients? I think
they do if the amount expended is mutually agreed upon.
· Are independent, market-based medical and surgical services feasible and
moral when consumers and doctors agree these types of practice offer better
care? In a capitalistic system, in which
marketplace transactions guide every other transaction, market-based health transactions are both feasible and
· What is the place and role of government and under what conditions, should government play in free market –based care?
· What should government do to strike the right
balance between government-controlled and consumer –driven care?
Government should take off its ideological blinders and
acknowledge that consumer-driven care has a place at the health reform table.
should acknowledge that financial incentives play a major role in
consumer behavior. Entitlements lead
to demands that cannot be met by centralized government. Patients spending more of their own
money, having “skin the game,” are circumspect about what they will spend
and what doctors they will choose.
Employers know first hand that worker holding plans featuring health savings accounts spend less for care
than those who are members of traditional HMOs and PPOs.
It should acknowledge that certain business
models, such as that of the Oklahoma
Surgery Center, which posts its prices
online for all to see and guarantees a set price inclusive of all
services, have dramatically lowered
prices for consumers, self-funded companies, and government
agencies with no sacrifice in quality.
It should acknowledge that greater coverage
for the uninsured and underinsured does not necessarily produce greater access
to care, and indeed, may lead to greater dissatisfaction because of longer
waiting times, rationing of care, and irr4itating bureaucratic impediments.
It should acknowledge that American
businesses are leery of increased costs and requirements of ObamaCare.
These costs and requirement have
stymied economic growth and led to part-time employment on a massive scale. One way to reduce and change this business behavior is reduce
costs by having businesses contract directly with directly
with direct-pay physicians and their direct pay outpatient surgery centers ,
thereby reducing the administrative costs of the middlemen.
It should acknowledge that consumers
directly spending their own money are very smart people and generally know what is best for
themselves and what ehy can afford.
What should
government’s? It should provide
for tax-free health insurance for all. It should not restrict shoppers to a government run
market as the only means of getting health insurance. It should require
insurance for financially catastrophic care, say anything above $300o for an individual
for a family earning $50,000. It should
provide transparency about the quality of care of providers of health care and
their prices. It should not dictate how
the money is spent. It should subsidize consumers who cannot afford care.
It should provide medical savings
accounts for all Americans. It should promote health plan competition across state
lines. And it should vigorous support
tort reform.
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