Three-Way Conversation About the Shifting Healthcare Landscape
good conversationalist is not one who remembers what was said but says someone who says what one wants to remember.
Mason Brown (1900-1969), American drama critic, Esquire,
I am just back from a conversation over lunch with two eminent
gentlemen – a former administrator of a large academic hospital and the former chairman
of the board of that hospital. For an
hour and a half, we exchanged views on the changing healthcare landscape.
As we spoke , I thought of Edward de Bono, MD, an
English physician who founded a thinking institute on Malta( Letters to Thinkers, 1987). de Bono
said the healthcare landscape was composed of a series of vertical holes, which hospitals, academic centers, and specialists inhabited. At the bottom of each vertical hole resided a collection of world class experts.
Loosely connecting the vertical holes, on the
horizontal plains surrounding the vertical holes, were generalists-
family physicians, general practitioners, pediatricians, internists,
psychiatrists, and primary care doctors of every ilk.
The only problem, said de Bono, was that the vertical
holes ddin't nterconnect with each other or generalists strewn across the
Obamacare aims to connect the
holes and doctors around the holes. How?
Through comprehensive reform and a series of steps: forming Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs)
where hospitals, primary care physicians, and specialists, working in tandem,
prevent disease, promote wellness, coordinate care of chronic disease for a define Medicare population, and thereby
save Medicare money, hence the alternative name for ACOS “Accountable Savings Organizations.” The ACOs or ASOs will
do this through govenment command, control, and communication structures which will
standardize and homogenize hospitals, physicians, and health plans through protocols, guidelines, and data-driven outcome analysis..
So far, the results of this ACO effort have been
mixed (“Mixed Results in Health Pilot Plan,” WSJ. July 16, 2013. Of the 32 Pioneer ACOs selected bb CMS
because they were large integrated systems likely to succeed, 18 saved money,
13 enough to save money for Medicare. Two hospitals lost money, seven told CMS
they wanted to move to another plan, and two said they wanted out of the plan.
Meanwhile, 250 hospitals are in the
process of setting up ACOs, and commercial
insurers have developed ACO contracts with hospital systems.
But I digress.
Back to the conversation.
When asked if Obamacare would succeed, I said I doubted it would. It went unsaid,
but I sensed my companions, being from a Deep Blue, Obama-friendly state, one of 16 to develop their
own health exchange, thought otherwise –
that Obamacare was irreversible and inevitable.
My reasoning was that because of delays ,
imissed deadlines,lsoaring costs, and a 65%
unpopularity among the citizenry, it would surely falter. Furthermore, its comprehensive
integrated programs, depend on its central pillars working together. The pillars, were crumbling one by one because of
ailed promises, underfunding, digital unpreparedness,
and Republican opposition.
When I observed that I thought hospitals were in the
catbird seat because of their administrative, technological, and marketing
skills, one of them said, “Do you really
think so?” I sensed disbelief, so, out of politeness, we
dropped that line of conversation.
My fellow conversationalists agreed that exchange signups
among the young “invincibles” and undereducated minority groups would be a
tough sell because of sharp premiums
hikes among the young and language barriers among minorities . I noted that Blue Cross & Blue Shield in
a trial run among 500 Hispanics had only 4 questionnaires returned.
We touched upon prevention and wellness
programs, and we all thought changing
behavior outside hospital and office settings was a dicey proposition, given
life-long habits, socioeconomic conditions, and individualism in the American
We discussed how rampant physician employment by hospitals, ubiquitous presence of hospitalists, and encroachment
of electronic health records impacted physicians. The consensus was that although physicians liked
the security of hospital employment, and that could stay in their offices generating
revenues rather than having their day disrupted by hospital rounds was
On the other hand, physicians resented giving up autonomy by becoming employees, and many missed the hospital staff
camaraderie, the intellectual stimuli of interns and residents, and the dull
routines of being trapped in the office doing physicals, rectals, pelvic, and routine procedures.
Many physicians, particularly those over 50, were having a
hard time getting accustomed to the rigors and restraints of data entry and loss of productivity
induced by entering data on electronic health records.
We dealt
briefly on the mysteries and the process of writing well. All of us had read Stephen King’s book On Writing.
All of us had written books, and all of us wanted to know the tricks
of the trade in marketing them, especially
in the E-book era, which had dealt such a staggering blog to the publishing
industry. They were intrigued how I had
managed to turn out a daily blog over the course of seven years. Nothing to it, I thought, all it takes is a compulsion
to write, having something to say, and a
a talent for verbiage.
Today’s blog concerns a
conversation between 3 seasoned healthcare veterans discussing shifts in the
healthcare landscape.
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