Friday, September 26, 2014

Physicians Foundation Poll of 20,000 Physicians

The rains descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon the house, and it fell not; for it was founded upon a rock.

Matthew 7:25

The Physicians Foundation was founded to advance the cause of the private practice of medicine – still the foundation of American medicine. To do this, the Physicians Foundation periodically performs national surveys to find how physicians are feeling and acting. In its latest survey, 20,000 physicians responded , 3% of those polled.

The survey indicates that the private independent practice foundation of American medicine is eroding as more physicians, particularly the young and the female, become employees, mostly of hospitals; as older physicians see fewer patients, spend less time with them, and as these older physicians accelerate retirement plans.

Here is a brief summary of 22 key physician findings.

1) 81% feel overextended.

2) 44% plan to reduce patient access.

3) 72% believe a physician shortage exists.

4) 35% consider themselves to be in independent practice, down from 49% in 2012, and 62% in 2008.

5) 53% are hospital or group employees, up from 44% in 2012 and 25% in 2008.

6) 29% would not choose medicine again, down from 35% in 2012.

7) 44% have positive views of future of profession, up from 32% in 2012.

8) 50% would recommend medicine as profession for their children or young people.

9) 69% believe their clinical autonomy is limited or compromised.

10) 24% limit access to Medicare patients.

11) 46% give ObamaCare a D or F grade: 25% an A or B.

12) 85% have electronic medical records, up from 69% in 2010.

13) 40% say EMRs reduce efficiency; 24% say EMRs increase efficiency.

14) 7% are in concierge practices: 13% plan to be.

15) 38% do not see Medicaid patients.

16) 49% see either Medicare or Medicaid patients.

17) 33% participate in health exchange plans; 25% have not plans to do so.

18) Physicians on average work 53 hours a week, down from 58 hours in 2010.

19) 56% believe transition to ICD-10 coding will cause turmoil.

20) 20% spent time on non-clinical paperwork.

21) Younger and women physicians are positive about changes in health system; older physicians, male physicians, specialists, and practice owners less so.

22) 39% plan to accelerate their retirement.

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