Tuesday, October 28, 2014

ObamaCare Horse Race

Gwine to run all night!

Gwine to run all day!

I’ll bet my money on the bobtail nag-

Somebody bet on de bay.

Camptown Races(1850)

As we enter the home stretch of the midterm horse race, Democrats and Republicans are spending unprecedented amounts of money on political ads and voter mobilization.

Each party has different views. That’s what makes political horse racing possible. If everybody.including TV stations and political victors, had the same view, nobody would make any money.

As Mark Twain observed, “ It is difference of opinion that makes for horse racing.”

For Republicans, opposition to ObamaCare in the horse race is a winning bet. They see nothing but red ink and public dislike for the law, and in red states , they are pummeling Democrats who voted for ObamaCare. If the GOP had a horse in the race, they would likely call it Big Red.

For their part, most Democrat candidates are mum on ObamaCare because of Obama’s low approval ratings and his political toxicity. Their horse may be named Big Avoid, or Big Blues.

Although most Democrats have been silent, the New York Times has now spoken out on the ObamaCare issue. On October 26, the Times published “Is the Affordable Care Act Working?”

Yes, says the Times, for the most part, the law is working. The Times team of seven reporters gives this seven part analysis.

One, the number of uninsured Americans is down 25%.

Two, federal subsidies has lowered costs for people, although some have seen premium rises.

Three, the jury is out whether it will improve outcomes, but in the long term, it may.

Four, exchanges in the next year may even work, but there will be challenges.

Five, Wall Street analysis see a financial boon across much of the health care spectrum.

Six, Twenty three of fifty states have balked at Medicaid expansion, but eventually they will see the light.

Seven, the trajectory of costs has leveled off for many reasons, not all attributable to ObamaCare, some due to economy stagnation and the slow recovery.

The Times and its coterie of seven reporters concluded:

“After a year fully in place, the Affordable Care Act has largely succeeded in delivering on President Obama’s promises, an analysis and data research shows. But it has also fallen short in some ways and given rise to a powerful conservative backlash.”

The reporters did not comment on President Obama’s three main failed promises: You can keep your doctor, you can keep your health plan, and your premiums will drop by $2500 for each family.

In any event, So speaketh observers and analysts on Planet Obama.

As for the rest of us on Planet Earth, we caste our ballots, we pays our money, we takes our chances, and we make our choices.

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