Sunday, April 6, 2014

One Million Hits

Today my Medinnovation and health reform  blog received its one millionth page view.  I call these page views “hits.” One million brave souls have downloaded my blog site to see what I have to say.  

The significance of this one millionth event, I do not know.  My blog is subjective.  It is impossible to be truly objective about ObamaCare.  Some believe in government-directed care; others in market-driven care.  Some believe in innovation; others in regulation.  Rarely do the twain meet.

Simultaneously, the ACA has  helped and harmed health care for millions.  It’s a half dozen of one, and six of the other.

For some, the ACA  has provided “free” care.  For others, it has driven up care costs.   

For some, it has given access to new doctors and new health plans.  For others, it has caused loss of doctors and health plans.   

For some, health care has become affordable, for others unaffordable.  

For some,  the ACA means economic security.  For others it portends loss of individual freedom and choice.  

ObamaCare, for good and ill, has changed the health system forever. 

There is no return to the good old days.   The new days are fraught with risk and uncertainty.

Richard L.Reece, MD
April 6, 2014

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