Monday, December 23, 2013

On Health Law’s Latest Tweak

A tweak, according to my dictionary, is a jerk, a pinch, or a twitch, often of one’s nose or ear.

Tweak Definition

The Obama administration’s latest tweak,  compelling insurers to offer “bare bones” coverage to those with cancelled plans has AHIP (American Health Insurance Plans) rattled. 

Says Robert Zirkelbach,  spokesperson for America’s health insurance plans, “ This type of last minute change will cause tremendous instability in the marketplace and confusion and disruption for consumers.”  

Karen Ignani,  AHIP president, is unhappy.  She and her group, tried to kill the law when it was being debated. And since its passage,  they have built up hopes the ACA’s new enrollees will reap billions of dollars in new policies from the individual mandate.   

Now she ruefully notes, individuals have “ a path around the mandate.”  This latest tweak could cause AHIP to lose billions if it causes few people to sign up for ObamaCare.  The industry  feels it  may be  victim of a flawed law  that has gone off the rails in ways they predicted it might.

The “catastrophic bare bones”plan is merely the latest twitch
Of 20 of this year's  tweaks in the multilayered ACA sandwich.
Having first opposed and then supported the ACA, can  AHIP now take a principled  stand,
When unexpected changes like these may be more than their profit structure can withstand?
What happens if fewer enrollees are there in January  to post a check,
Does AHIP then just become the caboose in the ObamaCare train wreck?

Tweet:   As the WSJ December 23 headline says, “Health Deadline Rattle Industry: Rule Changes Poses Test for Insurers.”

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