Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Physician Businessman’s Perspective on How Obamacare Has Created Chaos
Chaos is the score upon which reality is written.
Henry Miller (1891-1980), Tropic of Canc er, American novelist and social commentator (1964)

What follows is perhaps the clearest comment I know of how Obamacare by any physician businessman on how Obamacare has created chaos usurpts the physician and business communities trying to do the right thing.
Under ObamaCare, IRS Is Creating Chaos For Doctors, Patients; IRS Illegally Usuarps Congress with New Law on Obamacare, May 22, 2013, by  CHARLES WILLEY, M.D., Investor's Business Daily, May 21, 2014

"As an internist, I have dedicated my 30-year career to advancing the long-term health of all of my patients, one patient at a time.
Unfortunately, the greatest barrier to this goal is government intervention into my professional judgment, my office management and my patient care. This has been increasingly true long before enactment of the onerous Affordable Care Act (ACA), but it's especially true now.
ObamaCare is being increasingly recognized as a "train wreck." Trust me: it is demoralizing doctors, distracting providers toward bureaucracy and away from patient care. It is disrupting quality and access, and damaging health.
The formula for this chaos is simple: Increasing access to care was a central ruse in passing the ACA. Cost is the most important factor in access to care. Government involvement in health care increases cost. As the ACA accelerates this increasing cost, it will accelerate decreased access.
Count me as an American, a business owner, but especially as a physician who wishes the law never existed.
Now, contrary to the clear legislative language in ObamaCare, the administration is directly impeding my ability to design a health plan with proper incentives and long-term affordability for my own employees.
I have always offered quality health insurance to my own employees, striving for a benefit design which increases their short-term economic incentive to become and remain healthy.
As a physician, I know this is a critical strategy to fight chronic illness, especially self-manageable conditions such as obesity, COPD and most type 2 diabetes.
The IRS has, unlawfully, substantively rewritten the employer mandate in the ACA by expanding its enforcement into states where the clear language of the ACA says it does not apply
The ACA states that companies with over 50 employees in states with state-run exchanges (that is, participating states) that fail to provide "minimum value" health benefits for their employees are subject to penalties if their employees obtain insurance subsidies through a state-created exchange.
If the state in which the employer does business opts out of creating a state exchange, as the State of Missouri has, then the employer is not subject to this penalty.
The legislative language is clear that this applies only to exchanges established and run by state governments. The legislative history shows Congress set this up intentionally to encourage states to create their own exchanges. It is doubtful the bill would have passed without this provision.”
Tweet:  Obamacare provisions that employers must adopt government plans in state exchanges creates penalties that produce unintended  chaos.


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