Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Obesity Myths , Presumptions, and Facts
We identified seven obesity-related myths concerning the effects of small sustained increases in energy intake and expenditure, establishment of realistic goals in weight loss, rapid weight loss, weight-loss readiness, physical-education classes, and energy expended during sexual activity. We also identified six presumptions about the purported effects of eating breakfast, early childhood experiences, eating fruits and vegetables, weight cycling, snacking, and the built (il.e human made) environment.
Krista Cazazza, PhD and 19 co-authors, representing the National Institutes of Health,
“Myths, Presumptions, and Facts about Obesity, “ New England Journal of Medicine, January 31, 2013

January 30, 2013 – This New England Journal of Medicine  report is timely when one considers that weight loss has become a multi-billion-dollar industry and that weight-loss formulas and approaches are often unsuccessful, in light of the reality that obesity and diabetes has become a national epidemic.
     Seven Myths

·         Myth Number 1: Small sustained change in energy untake and expenditure will produce large, long-term weight changes. 

·         Myth Number 2: Setting realistic goals for weight loss is important, because otherwide patients will become frustrated and loss less weight.

·         Myth Number 3: Large, rapid weight loss is associated with pooer long-term weigh-lost outmes as compared with slow, gradual weigh loss. 

·         Myth Number 4: It is important to assess the state of change or diet-readiness in order to help patients who request weight-loss treatment.
·         Myth Number 5: Physical-education classes , in their current form, plan an important role in reducing or preventing childhood obesity.
·         Myth Number 6: Breast-feeding is protective against obesity.
·         Myth Number 7: A Bout of sexual activity burns 100 to 300 kcal for each participant.
Six Presumptions
1. Regular eating breakfast protects against obesity.  Most often no effect
2. Early childhood habits influence weight later in life, i.e. fat kids become fat adults, Often true.
3. Eating fruits and veggies results in weight loss. True.
4. Weight cycling, ie. yo-yo dieting, is associated with increased death rates. True.
5. Snacking contributes to weight gain and obesity. Yes.
6. The environment, i.e. sidewalk and park availability, influences obesity. May affect obesity.

     Nine Facts
1.    Heredity is not destiny

2.      Diets reduce weight.

3.      Increase in exercise increases health

4.      Physical activity in sufficient doses helps weight maintenance 

5.      Continuing conditions that promote weight loss helps maintain lower weight

6.      With obese kids , programs involving parents promotes weight loss and maintenance
7.      Use of meal-replacement products promote greater weight loss
8.      Some drugs help weight loss as long as drugs continue to be used.
9.      Bariatic surgery results in long-term weight loss and reductions in  incident diabetes and mortality.

Herein are obesity myths,
With  facts set forth forthwith,
By 20 National Institutes of Health experts,
Interested in reducing your ample girths,
It’s all here, presented herewith