Saturday, July 7, 2012

Where Have All The Young Solo Doctors Gone?

The demise of the solo doc is now official. Basically, no one wants to be one and no one is looking for one.
Phillip Miller, Vice-President, Merritt Hawkins and Staff
July 7, 2012 Health reform regulations and requirements for electronic prescribing and  reporting and data entry  make it nearly impossible for solo physicians to oversee admininistrative duties and practice at the same time .   In addition the health reform law systematically cuts doctor and hospital fees over the next ten years.   With apologies to Pete Seeger, who wrote and sang, “Where Have All The Flowers Gone?”

Where have all young solo doctors gone?

Long time passing

Where have all the young solo doctors gone?

Long time ago

Where have all the young solo doctors gone?

Health reformers  has tuned them out every one

When will the reformers ever learn?

When will the reformers ever learn?

Where have all the young solo doctors gone?

Long time passing

Where have all the young solo doctors gone?

Long time ago

Where have all the young solo  doctors gone?

Taken hospital jobs every one

When will the reformers ever learn?

When will reformers ever learn?

Where have all the young solo doctors gone?

Long time passing

Where have all the young solo doctors gone?

Long time ago

Where have all the young solo doctors gone?

Gone to become employed every one

When will the reformers  ever learn?

When will reformers  ever learn?

Where have all the solo doctors  gone?

Long time passing

Where have all the young solo docs gone?

Long time ago

Where have all the young solo docs gone?

Gone to the hospitals every one

When will the reformers  ever learn?

When will the reformers ever learn?

Where have all the hospitals gone?

Long time passing

Where have all the hospitals gone?

Long time ago

Where have all the hospitals gone?

Gone down and awary with debts every one

When will the reformers ever learn?

When will the reformers ever learn?

Tweet:  Health reform law makes itndifficult to remain in solo practice while conducting the business side of the practice.

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