Monday, April 2, 2012

Don’t Know Much about History of Mandate
Don't know much about history

Don't know much biology

Don't know much about geography

Don't know much trigonometry
Lyrics of Song, “What a Wonderful World, “1959,  by Sam Cooke.  “Don’t Know Much about History,” is title of book by Kenneth C. Davis, published in 1990.
April 2, 2012

Don’t know much about the mandate

Don’t know much about its fate

Don’t know much about its rules

Don’t know much about who it fools

Don’t know about its constitutionality
Don’t know much about its rationality

Don’t know much about laws of commerce

Don’t know much about who it coerces

But I do know this

It led us into the abyss
With too much complexity

With too much adversity   

But I do know this.
It led us into the abyss

With too many waltz promises

With too many false premises

Tweet:  The individual mandate is on shaky grounds because it promises too much, delivers too little, and costs too much,


1.     Ross Douthat,  “The Genius of the Mandate”, New York Times, March 31, 2012

2.    Walter Russell Mead, “The Health Care Disaster and the Miseries of the Blue,"  The American Interest, March 29, 2012

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