Thursday, February 17, 2011

February Tweethearts

Tweets are getting to the heart of the matter in 140 characters or less. Here are my February tweethearts to date.

Health Reform: The Computer's Potential to Improve Health Care - Don’t let IBM Watson’s victory on Jeopardy fool you. The computer will not replace doctors and does not address most patient concerns.

Health Reform's Open Frontier: Achieving , Monitoring and Supporting Patient Compliance - Many bad health outcomes stem from patient behavior and lack of compliance with doctor’s orders once patients leave the doctor’s office.

Obamacare: Between a Rock (Individual Mandate) anda Hard Place (Its Constitutionality) - Supreme Court: Decide Individual Mandate issue soon. Time, money, and resources are a’wasting. We can live with consequences.

Note to Federal Government: Beware of What You Wish for - Government wishes doctors and hospitals would join accountable care organizations (ACOs) to save money, yet the opposite may occur.

Egypt, The Social Media, and Health 2.0 – Twitter and Facebook will personalize and individualize care rather than mobilizing consumers to change the system downside up as in Egypt.

The Reform Mindset and The Many Faces of Health Care “Fragmentation”- Health reform should be more about increasing decentralization and customizing care than reducing fragmentation.

Health Reform: Private Practice Endangered – According to a Physicians Foundation physician survey, health reform is contributing to the decline of private practice.

• Health Reform: Addressing Primary Care Shortages
– 3 articles in New England Journal of Medicine offer recipes to solve primary care shortages, all of which will take time and are untested.

Health Reform: Who’s in Charge Here? - The U.S. Government or State Government - Politicians in D.C. are going for broke. Meanwhile State governments are simply going broke.

Health Reform No-No’s, The Case of EHRs – Why are doctors so slow in adopting EHRs? EHRs take $30,000 to install, $10,000 a year to maintain, and cut time spent with patients, about 30%.

Health Reform and the Dark Side of the Internet - The Internet has two sides – it frees us to find everything, but it can be used to control our personal and professional lives.

Consequences of Health Reform - In my unpublished book Good Intentions: Consequences of Health Reform, I say good intentions to reform aren’t enough for most Americans

• Senate Will Vote on Repeal
- Judge Roger Vinson ruled the law unconstitutional, but Democrats still rule the Senate institutional. Voters will note who voted for what

Blue Monday for Obamacare - On Friday, Judge Roger Vinson ruled the individual mandate as unconstitutional. The entire Act must be declared void. Today is Monday.

Why I Write Blogs - I write blogs because I enjoy words, I have a political purpose, and I want to make a difference in the lives of patients and doctors.

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