Saturday, May 24, 2008

Medical trends - Two Points of View on Business and Health Trends

At a recent conference sponsored by a multinational company, I was asked to summarize how I felt about health trends, nationally and internationally.

I made two brief points:

1) It’s the culture, stupid! In America, people want the best, will demand they get it, and will reward lawyers if they don’t get it.. Since our founding 231 years ago, America has been a conservative, individualistic country that operates from the bottom-up , distrusts government, and is always looking for disruptive innovations over the next horizon, often but not always technological, sometimes organizationally, to solve their problems. . This isn’t true of other countries but must be taken into account if our economy is to continue to grow.

2) In health care, it’s all about efficient, useful information transfer. This will come as lower-cost, more convenient, simpler, easier-to-use Internet-based information disruptive technologies featuring patient-health consumer-physician partnerships facilitated by personal health records developed and distributed by companies like. Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and retail organizations like Walmart. These activities will diverge from past practices and will require new market and strategic insights and stresses on what succeeds.

That’s as short and sweet as I can make it.

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