Monday, May 19, 2008

Reece , personal musings, blogging doggerel, A Call to the American Public

Operator, connect me to all of the American public,
Yes, all 303 million of them under the USA rubric.

Yes, I know this call is out of the ordinary,
But times call for the highly extraordinary.

Who is calling? Sermo physicians working together.
We want to talk to Americans about making care better.


Hello, American health care consumers and patients.
We American doctors want to show our impatience.

With high costs, excess paperwork, and long waits,
And huge malpractice costs for occasional mistakes.

Yes, we’re human and we occasionally do err,
And if we do, we insist you be treated fair.

We prefer to deal with you directly,
Rather than through 3rd parties indirectly.

We want to be your direct partner and guide,
We want you to know we’re on your side.

We believe costs of rules, regulations, and mindless standardization,
May overly restrict freedom, choice, and thoughtful individualization.

So keep an American Eagle eye out for our Open Letter,
With your help together we will make health care better.

Thousands of us want to shout what needs to be done,
to make our precious health care system better run.

Right now I can’t tell all.
But we plan to stand tall.

What these united doctors want to reveal
is now in An Open Letter still under seal.

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