Saturday, March 10, 2007

Blogging, general - Kevin Pho, MD - King of the Medical Bloggers

Kevin Pho, is a board-certified internist in his 30s. A Toronto native educated at Boston University and Boston University Medical School, Kevin practices with the Nashua Medical Group, a seven person provider group(5 physicians, 2 physician assistants, and one nurse practitioner )in the Nashua Medical Group in Nashua, New Hampshire. Kevin, in my opinion, is King of the Medical Bloggers (see Kevin,

An Act of Gratitude

I am writing this out of gratitude because Kevin has been citing some of my blogs, One good blog deserves another, especially when one links to another. Kevin has been blogging since 2004 and now receives 6000 “hits” daily and 170.000 hits each month. I should be so lucky, or so good.

Kevin specializes, he says, in “ medical information research“ which he conducts in part by scouring the news media daily, linking to original medical articles and other blogs, answering patient emails, and “posting” (that an inside term we bloggers use) his daily commentary.

Telling it As It Is and Striking a Nerve

His comments are pithy, short, and “tell it like it is” from the vantage point of a primary care physician. Like his cohorts, Kevin sometimes must see one patient every 6 minutes to stay on schedule and to make a go of it. This requires discipline and may be in part why Kevin is so quick, insightful, and so appreciative of patients' thirst for information.

Kevin has clearly struck a nerve. His work has been featured in the British Medical Journal, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, MD Net Guide, Modern Physician, the Journal of Medical Practice Management, Medscape, and the Nashua Telegraph.

He serves as moderator of physician forums on gastroenterology, general medicine, urology, and joint disease. He invites emails from readers, charges an average fee of $15 for answering, and says he succeeds because his answers have speed (responses within 48 to 72 hours), quality, and depth. Kevin’s work is so compelling that several sponsors are helping subsidize his popular blog.


There once was a medical blogger named Kevin,
who blogged each day every week times seven.
Kevin tells it as it is.
At this he is a whiz,
which qualifies him for blogging heaven.

This dashing blogger, a native of Toronto,
knows the meaning of the word pronto,
To emails requesting complicated medical information,
he replies within in forty eight to seventy hours duration.
How’s that for speed, depth, and quality of Pho info?

This young doctor is such a mover and shaker,
he has achieved the status of a national news maker,
He blogs so fast, this young doctor from Nashua,
readers have to stop and their breaths catchua.
That’s how life is with this media circuit breaker.


  1. Well... I've seen better poetry. But Kevin rocks!

  2. Kevin has linked to me several times as well. (And I read his site religiously.)

    But you're missing something: Kevin's not a blogger. He's a news aggregator. Bloggers write. Aggregators gather news from their list of interests and share it with the world...

    When was the last time you saw an original piece by Kevin? ;)

  3. I agree my poetry leaves something to be desired, but I'm having fun. As far as Kevin being a "news aggregator," I don't totally agree with that assessment. I do not agree that bloggerd simply write, we bloogers aggregate news too, distill it, and simplify it. If all readers want is aggregation, they an get that at and other sites.

    Richard L. Reece, MD
