Sunday, March 14, 2010

Name of New Book on Health Reform

I am preparing the sequel to my 2009 book Obama, Doctors, and Health Reform. Congress will vote this week to decide if health reform goes forward. The outcome of the vote will determine the title of my new book.

Here are title possibilities.

1) The Great Health Reform Debate, 2008-2010: Coverage and Cost

2) The Great Health Reform Debate, 2008-2010: The Obama Obsession and The Economic Recession

3) Health Reform Debate, 2008-2010: The Party of “Yes, We Can” Versus “No, You Won’t”

4) Health Care Debate, 2008-2010: Truths and Consequences

5) Health Care Debate, 2008-2010: Comprehensive or Incremental Reform

6) Health Care Debates, 2008-2010: The State of the Union and the State of the States

7) The Triumph and Tragedy of Obamacare

8) The Rise and Stall of Obamacare

9) Obama Versus Republicans: Too Much Too Soon or Too Little Too Late?

10) Government Reform: Immediate Taxes and Delayed Cost Transfers

11) Health Reform: Government-Controlled Versus Market-Driven Health Care

12) The Historic Health Care Debate, 2008-2010: What Kind of People Are We?

13) The Health Care Debate, 2008-2010: Cultural, Complexity, and Geographic Factors

14) The Health Care Debate, 2008-2010: The Elites Versus the People

15) The Health Care Debate, 2008-2010: Where Do We Go from Here?

16) Health Reform: Top-Down Versus Bottom-Up

17) Health Reform: The Scott Browning and The November Drowning

18) Health Reform: Tea Parties Versus Incumbent Parties

19) Health Reform: Your Money or Other Peoples Money

20) Health Reform: Government Control Versus Private Innovation

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